Full Moon Hike
Join GeesE for an easy hike lit only by the full moon!
Service Description
Join GeesE for an easy hike at Staunton State Park ending with a cup of something sweet. The condition of the trail will determine the length of hike we take, with the plan to be hiking for about one and a half hours. If the cloud conditions allow, we will just use the light of the full moon to illuminate the easy, smooth trail. However, we do recommend bringing some sort of flashlight or headlamp in case the clouds don't cooperate. When we get back to the parking lot, we will have a sweet treat before concluding our time together. Be sure to wear lots of layers. Depending on trail conditions, micro spikes or snowshoes may be necessary. We will have a few available for rent (for $5 per rental), if you have your own, please plan to bring them along. *Staunton State Park requires an entry fee. If your car is registered in CO, and you opted in for the Keep Colorado Wild Pass, then you are covered. Otherwise, you will need to pay the $10 per vehicle entry day pass on the way into the park. Each month we will hike on the night of the Full Moon and/or Almost-Full Moon depending on the date of the full moon. Below are the upcoming dates available to register to reserve your spot. March Worm Moon -Full Moon Hike: Thursday, March 13 -8:00 - 9:30pm All Ages Full Moon Hike April Pink Moon -Full Moon Hike: Saturday, April 12 -8:00 - 9:30pm All Ages Full Moon Hike More to come! Check back for future dates.
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