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GeesExpeditions offers different levels of memberships to help you keep the adventures going! We offer a variety of training programs, hikes, classes, educational experiences, and more that will make sure you are able to make the most of every expedition. Each membership gives varying degrees of free access to different regularly offered programs as well as discounts on bookable excursions and personalized trips. Take a look at our memberships below to find your perfect fit!


gag·gle - noun - 1.a flock of geese.



Goose Membership



Every month

Access to all online services including our Online Gym. Get discounts on online courses. This is a great option if you are not based in CO!

Gaggle Membership



Every month

Free weekly hikes and discounted day trip bookings. Plus all Goose Membership benefits.

Best Value

Golden Egg Membership



Every month

Free classes excluding materials cost (if any) including fitness, kids classes, education programs and more. Discounts on any specialty booking. Plus all Goose and Gaggle Membership benefits.

Founder Membership



All inclusive Goose, Gaggle, and Golden Egg perks. Exclusive founder discounts, early registrations, and personalized trips.

Because we love our gaggle and appreciate your loyalty, the percentage discount you receive for qualified programs increases the longer you have been a member. 


Membership for your first six months = 5% discount

Membership 6 months - 1 year = 10% discount

Membership 1 - 2 years = 15% discount

Membership over 2 years = 20% discount


This is true no matter which membership you choose, including if you switch between different levels of membership. As long as you have a continuous active membership with us, the time continues to add up no matter which level you are a part of! Thank you for being a part of our flock and going with the geese! We are so glad you are here.

  • Goose Membership

    Every month
    Access to all online services including our Online Gym. Get discounts on online courses. This is a great option if you are not based in CO!
  • Gaggle Membership

    Every month
    Free weekly hikes and discounted day trip bookings. Plus all Goose Membership benefits.
  • Golden Egg Membership

    Every month
    Free classes excluding materials cost (if any) including fitness, kids classes, education programs and more. Discounts on any specialty booking. Plus all Goose and Gaggle Membership benefits.
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